Curriculam Committee

The curriculum should reflect a commitment to excellent education and is essential to the achievement of high standards in the academic program. Curriculum Committee of M.O.S.C. College of Nursing, Kolenchery should oversee the academic quality and content of the curriculum. Curriculum committee incharge will be the head of the institution. The other members include Vice Principal, class coordinators of each batch and student representatives from each batch.

The functions of curriculum committee include

  • Review and evaluate proposals to initiate or change courses and programs
  • Assure that a curriculum is well developed, clear and complete, and that its supporting documents adequately supplement the proposal
  • Make recommendations to assist individuals to strengthen their course or program proposals
  • Evaluate the impact of a curriculum proposal on the resources and other curricula of the college
  • Initiate activities that promote enhancement of the learning process
  • Provide guidelines and criteria for the development of new courses and programs
  • Review and revise procedures associated with curriculum development
  • Encourage and facilitate innovation in the curriculum
  • Assure that assessment is built into the curriculum proposal
  • Assure that the curriculum offered is complementary and integrated

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