Fulbright-Nehru Senior Research Fellowship (2013-14)
Significant Journal publications
Talent Management and dynamic view of talent in small and medium enterprises, Human Resource Management Review, 27(3), 2017, 431-441 (with Scullion, H.)
"Causes, Contingencies, and Consequences of Disengagement at Work: An Integrative Literature Review", Human Resource Development Review, 17(1), 2018 (With Rastogi, A., Pati, SP., Krishnan, S.)
"Identifying the focal role of top management paradoxical cognition in ambidextrous firms", Management Decision, 56(1), 2018 (with Venugopal, A. and Kumar)
"Strengthening organizational ambidexterity with top management team mechanisms and processes" The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2017, 1-32. (with Venugopal, A. Kumar, M. & Upadhyayulu, R.S.)
Response rate in industrial surveys conducted in India: Trends and implications, IIMB Management Review (2016) (with Paulose, S.)
"Understanding employment relationship in Indian organizations through the lens of psychological contracts”, Employee Relations, 33(5), 551-569, 2011
“A re-conceptualization of career systems, its dimensions and proposed measures”, Career Development International, 16(7), 706-732, 2011 (with Maheshwari, S.K.)
“An exploratory study on executive management education through technology mediated distance learning in India”, Industrial and Commercial Training, 44(7), 389–397, 2012
“Diversity in career systems: The role of employee work values”, The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 47(4): 685-699, 2012
“Technological change & employment relations in India”, The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 45(3), 367-380, 2010
Book Chapters
"Consulting at Indian Hygiene Products Limited: Entry and Contracting" In Donald L. Anderson (Ed.) Cases and Exercises in Organization Development & Change (2nd Ed.). 2017 (with Chatterjee, D.) SAGE Publications, Inc
"HR and Leadership Challenges for Businesses in India", MacMillan: New Delhi, 2011, (Eds with Chatterjee, D & Dhal, M.)
“Breach of Psychological Contracts – The role of Human Resource Systems” In Singh, S. (Ed.) Global competition and competitiveness of Indian corporates (Pp: 83-97), MacMillan: New Delhi, 2012
“Challenges of talent management in small and medium enterprises in India”. In Chatterjee, D,, Dhal, M., Krishnan, T.N. (Eds.) HR and Leadership Challenges for Businesses in India (Pp: 171-188), MacMillan: New Delhi , (with Prakash, V. 2011).
“Challenges of talent management in small and medium enterprises in India”. In Chatterjee, D,, Dhal, M., Krishnan, T.N. (Eds.) HR and Leadership Challenges for Businesses in India (Pp: 171-188), MacMillan: New Delhi , (with Prakash, V. 2011).
Practitioner Journals
Career progression of female talent: Issues and challenges, National HRD Network Journal, 2017
Recruiting and retaining talent, Tyre Asia, April-May 2018
Present day career demographics, Human Capital, December 2016
Need for and Perspective of Talent Management, National HRD Network Journal, January 2015
Case Studies
Hindustan Unilever: Aligning talent strategy with marketing challenges, IIMK Case
1. Technological Change and Employment Relations in India
T. N. Krishnan (2009) Abstract
2. A New Conceptualization of Career System, Its Dimensions and Proposed Measures
T.N.Krishnan (2010) Abstract
3. Understanding Employment Relationship in Indian Organizations Through The Lens of Psychological Contracts
T.N.Krishnan (2010) Abstract
4. Response rate in industrial surveys conducted in India:Trends and Implications
T N Krishnan,Shobitha Poulose (2013) Abstract