Sustaining a social enterprise: Palash eye hospital
HR Practices & Union Management Relationship
Commercializing academic research in emerging economies: Do organizational identities matter?
Consumer evaluation of brand extensions: Comparing goods to goods brand extensions with goods to services
The impact of cleanliness on customer perceptions of security in hostels: A WOM-based approach
The relationship between Consumer Ethnocentrism, Cosmopolitanism and Product Country Image amongst younger generation consumers: the moderating role of country development status
Role of Self-managing Leadership in Crisis Management: An Empirical Study on the Effectiveness of Rajayoga
Greetings and interpersonal closeness: The case of Bengalis on Orkut
Applying Benford's Law to Examine the Quality of Reported Income Numbers of Unlisted Firms
Capital structure choice, information asymmetry, and debt capacity: evidence from India