Forms of Incorporation of Social Enterprises, Balancing profit and Social Goals: A comparative Analysis, 13th Annual Social Enterprise Conference, University of Southern California, USA, November 11-12
Challenges of Trade Union in Japanese Automobile Sector in the Liberalized Economy, 35th International Labour Process Con- ference, Reconnecting Work and Political Economy, Sheeld, UK, April 4-6
Measuring the Impact of Work Life Balance Dimensions among Law Enforcement Officers, 26th Conference of National Academy of Psychology (NAOP) on Psychology and Future of Work, IIT Madras, India, December 29-31
Non-Regular Workers in Japan: Issues and Challenges of New Economic Order, 9th Asian Regional Congress of the Interna- tional Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA), Beijing, China, November 1-3
Rumour Sharing in the Market Place - A Manifestation of Anxiety, Arousal and Valence, Marketing Reborn Traditions, Trends and Techniques, Thiird International Communication Management Conference ICMC 2016, MICA, Ahmedabad, In
Branding: A review of brand conceptualizations and emerging branding research areas, International Conference On Marketing, Technology and Society, IIM Kozhikode, Kerala, India, September 29-October 1
Guilt as an advertising appeal, International Conference On Marketing, Technology and Society, IIM Kozhikode, Kerala, India, September 29-October 1
Branding Conceptualization and Research: Evolving Understanding and Emerging Research, International Conference On Marketing, Technology and Society, IIM Kozhikode, Kerala, India, September 29-October 1
Technology Business Incubator at National Institute of Technology Calicut, India: Way forward, 2016 Annual NACRA Conference, Las Vegas, USA, October 6-8
Taxonomy of digital products for developing marketing strategy, International Conference on Marketing, Technology and Society, IIMK Campus, Kozhikode, Kerala, India, September 29-October 1