Conceptualising and Measuring Community Based Brand Equity, Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, Newzealand, June 27?›ƒ?ªƒ??July 1
Analysing Restorative Potential of Green Servicescapes, Summer AMA Conference, San Fran- cisco, USA, August 4-6
Role of Bank Reputation and Size in Usage of Internet Banking services India: A Multi- level Modelling Framework, Hull University Business School, Hull, UK, July 3-6
Inuence of Consumer Vanity on Employment of Impression Management Tactics and their Consequences on Conspicuous Consumption Orientation, 2017 Winter AMA Conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 17-19
Modelling Personal Characteristics and Social Influence on e-retail Loyalty - A Millennial Perspective, International Conference on Marketing, Technology and Society, IIMK Campus, Kozhikode, Kerala, India, September 29-Octobe
Consumer Pre-testing of Servicescape Designs: A Toolkit, Winter AMA conference, Orlando, Florida, USA, February 17-19
Adjacent Price Anchoring and Consumers Willingness to Pay: A Bayesian Approach, International Conference on Marketing, Technology and Society, IIMK Campus, Kozhikode, Kerala, India, September 29-October 1
Impact of ARP on Purchase Intention: Role of Anchoring, Latitude of Expected Price and Uncertainty, INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, June 16-18
Technology Tamers: The influence of women in ICT adoption, use and enjoyment. SIG-III presentation, ALISE Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, January
IS Budgeting for Healthcare Innovations: Insights for Developing Countries, 2016 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (IEEE), Las Vegas, USA, December 14-17