Earnings Management to Avoid Losses: Evidence from India, Indian Finance Conference 2016 jointly organized by IIllA, lIMB and liMe, IlM Ahmedabad, India, December 19-21
Institutional Ownership and Payout Policy, International Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance (ICFMCF), lIT Madras, India
Institutional Investors and Dividend Policy, Asia-Pacific Industrial Organisation (APJOC) University of Melbourne, Australia
Owners financial expertise and Resubmitted Approved Loan Proposal in the Indian banks at the loan inception stage, ICRB 2017, India International Centre New Delhi, India, April
Perspectives look at the role of the Indian regulators and the private sector in expanding financial access to the poor, CRB 2017 India International Centre New Delhi, India, April
Accelerated Economic Growth and Tax Effort: The case of an Economically Advanced State of India, 72nd Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance (JIPF) in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA, August 9-11
Exchange rate volatility and trade responsiveness of international firms, 5th Conference on Empirical Issues in Inter- national Trade & Finance, (lIFT), Kolkata, India, December 16-17
Service Sector Liberalisation and Wage Inequality with Non-traded Goods and Segmented Unskilled Labour Markets, International Conference on Services, Invest- ment and Global Value Chains, (lIFT), New Delhi, India, July 28
Power Sector in India: Performance of DISCOMS and Its Impact on the State Exchequer, Institute for Public Policy and Economic Analysis (JPPEAN) Annual Conference, New York, USA, August 4-6
Drivers of Internationalization of Emerging Multinationals: A Study of Indian IT firms, Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Mohali, December 16- 18.