What drives emerging multinationals? Internationalization and performance drivers of Indian IT firms, First Pan 11M World Management Conference, Goa, India, May 30-June I.
What drives emerging multinationals? Internationalization and performance drivers of Indian IT firms, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Lake Bueno Vista, Orlando, USA, August 9-13.
Internationalization and Perfomance of Emerging Multinationals: The role of clustering and certification, Academy ofInternational Business, Istanbul, Turkey, July 3-6
Personal identification by ID tagging - A disaster management tool, IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R I O-HTC), IEEE Region 10, Sendai, Japan, August 26-29
Moderating effect of economic context and social capital in individual social entrepreneurship choice, Strategic Management Society Conference 2014, Madrid, Spain, September 18-19 and British Academy of Management Confe
Contingent effect of national culture on individual social entrepreneurship choice, Strategic Management Society Conference 2014, Madrid, Spain, September 18-19 and British Academy of Management Conference 2014, Belfas
Self-sustainable electricity model for academic institutions using solar energy, IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference, South-Asia Satellite (GHTC-SAS), IEEE, Trivandrum, India, August 23-24.
Conceptual business model framework for nascent social entrepreneurs in transitional economies, 6th All India Conference of China Studies (AICCS), IlM Kozhikode, India, December 12-14.
"Does ownership matter in the innovation-internationalization relationship? A study in the Indian Pharmaceutical sector, Indian Academy of Management, Ahmedabad, India. December 12-14."
Business group affiliation and diversification premium in emerging economies, Indian Academy of Management, Ahmedabad. India, December 12-14.