Interdependence and Dynamic Interactions among Fundamental Factors and Stock Prices, Conference on Financial Econometrics C Group (FEG), School of Accounting, Economics and Finance and Economic Systems Journal, Deakin U
ULCCS & Challenges for New Era: A case for Diversification, International Conference on Co- operatives in transition in the Era of Globalization, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, India, September 19-20.
Determinants of non- economic Investment Goals among Indian Investors,Academy of Business Research International Conference, New Orleans, USA, March 26-28.
Merger of Public Sector Banks Under the Rule of Reason, Union Bank Conference on Emerging Issues in Banking and Finance, Great Lakes Institute of Management, September 3.
Accreditation as a Signal of Credible Commitment,Second National Conference of the Health Economics Association of India, SRM University, Chennai, India, May 29-31.
Feasibility of Takaful as an Alternative Insurance in India,Eleventh Harvard University Forum on Islamic Finance, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, USA, April 25-27.
Financial Performance of Family and Non-Family Owned Companies in India,3rd India Finance Conference by lIMA, lIMB and lIMC, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India, December 18-20.
A Comparative study of Capital Markets Reforms in India and China,Proceedings of Sixth All India Conference on China Studies, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, India, December 12- 14.
Comparing nonlinear dynamics of emerging and developed stock markets using Empirical Mode Decomposition, 3m lIMA Conference on Advanced Data Analysis, Business Analytics and Intelligence, Indian Institute of Management
Using Recurrence Analysis to identify bubbles and endogenous crashes, India Finance Conference, IIM-A, IIM-B and IIM-C, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India, December 18-20.