Investigating the nonlinear dynamics of emerging and developed stock markets, The 2nd International Conference on Econophysics, Kavala, Greece, September 13-14.
Nonlinear dynamics of stock markets during critical periods, Econophys-Kolkata VIII, Saha Institute of nuclear Physics Kolkata, India, March 14-17 .
An Efficiency Study of Indian Banks. International Conference on Management & Social Welfare, IISWBM, Calcutta, December 14-15.
Timeless Leadership. Conference on Conscious Capitalism, Bentley University, Boston, May 28-29.
Selection of a machine tool for FMS using ELECTRE III - a case study. 5th Annual IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2009), Bangalore, August 22-25
Development of analytic hierarchy process for the selection of a product development methodology. PDMA India 4th Annual International Conference on New Product Development: Challenges in Meltdown Times (NPDC 2009), Chennai, D
A study on implementation of six-sigma tools & techniques using meta-analysis approach. 4th International Conference on Quality, Reliability and Infocom Technology: Trends and Future Directions (ICQRIT 2009), New Delhi, Decem
Is China Going to be a World Leader? 7th International Conference in Economic Theory and Policy, University of Basque Country, Spain, July 1-2.
Modeling Cognitive and Affective Advertisement Content with a view to Optimise Purchase Intention of Customers. 2010 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Cologne, June 16-19.
Unit Level Heterogeneity in Discrete Choice Model: A Hierarchical Bayes Approach with Multi-modal Priors. New Researcher Conference, Vancouver, Canada, July 27-30.