It is only women to it is women: A legitimacy process model for reducing inequality, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA, August
Beneficiary contributions to the micro-foundations of the social organizations for mitigating inequality: Insights from Kudumbashree, Kerala, European Group for Organizational Studies, Copenhagen, July
Corporate Accountability in International Law: Emerging Concerns, ASIL 6th Biennial Conference (Junior Scholar Session)
Post internationalization strategies and performance of born global Firms, International Conference on Organization and Management (ICOM), Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi, November 20-21
Corporate Governance and CSR Practices of Murugappa Group ?›ƒ?ªƒ?? A Case Study on Indias Family Owned Business Conglomerate, Luiss Business school, Rome
Development Opportunity And Intent To Turnover: Exploring The Roles Of Job Attitudes And Managerial Support, Pan IIM Conference, December 13-15
Institutional Distance and Internationalization ?›ƒ?ªƒ?? Performance Relationship of Emerging Market Multinationals: The Role of Dynamic Capabilities, British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference, University of Warwick, Septembe
Case: Board Stoops to Conquer the CEO: End of a Power Struggle, North American Case Research Association (NACRA) 2016, Las Vegas, USA, October 6-8
Business Model and Firm Performance: Moderating effect of Environment, Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, California, USA, August 5-9
How Does Inter-organizational Network Moderate TMT?›ƒ?ªƒ??Entry Mode Choice Relationship? Board Interlocks Effects on Internationalization of Indian Firms, Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Dubai, UAE, July