Variation in customer satisfaction between urban and rural consumers: influence of expectations
Role of Human Values and Technology in Climate Change
Role of Spirituality and Technology in Management. Sixth AIMS International Confernece on Management (AIMS6), New Delhi
Changing the Perception. Sixth AIMS International Confernece on Management (AIMS6), New Delhi
A Note on Improving Banks' Competitiveness while Lending to the Agriculture Sector
Customer perceptions and Competitiveness of Kerala Tourism: Destination Imagery in the Social Media
Creating and Delivering Value for Customers on hollow branding.
Destination Image in the Social Media: A Content Analysis based Comparison of the Destination Images of Goa and Kerala from the Travel Blogs
Justice in an Adversarial System with a Judge Prosecutor, and Defendant
Information, Knowledge and Intelligence. National Conference on IT and Business Intelligence, IMT Nagpur