Breach of Psychological Contracts - The role of Human Resource Systems, 3rd Conference on Global Competition and Competitiveness of Indian Corporates, IIM Lucknow
Advanced IT-Based Logistics Capabilities for Sustainable Competitive Advantage. 3rd Conference on Global Competition and Competitiveness of Indian Corporate, IIM Lucknow
Role of Technology and Spirituality in the Management of Global Organizations
Value Based Management of Technologies. Fifth AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS5), ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad
Holistic Transformation of Organizations. Fifth AIMS International Conference on Management (AIMS5), ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad
Shortestpath routing in Multihop Packet Switching Communication Network using Genetic algorithm
Shortest Path Routing of Multihop WDM Network using Genetic Algorithm
Tracking control of unconstrained multi-arm space manipulator systems
Performance Analysis of Self-Adaptive Evolutionary Computation Methods
Order preserving properties of functions of order statistics