FII Investments in Indian Economy-An Econometric Analysis.
Building a Case for Researching Organizational identity in Turnaround Organizations. Conference Proceedings. 21st ANZAM Conference 2007. Managing Our Intellectual and Social Capital, Sydney, Australia
A Generalised Supply Chain Grid Optimisation Framework for Developing Rural Micro Enterprises.
Towards Good Governance -The e-option.
Organizational Identity Dissonance in Organizational Decline and Turnaround. APROS 12 Conference: Challenges in Organizing and Managing in Rapidly Emerging Economies, Gurgaon
Purchase Timing and Technology Evolution Stage: Modelling the Purchase Process for High Technology Products.
Non Dominant Player Supply Chains: Issues & Solutions. VIII International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management (ICOQM), INFORMS Bangkok
Risk based Sourcing Strategy for improving effectiveness of Humanitarian Supply Chains. XI Annual Conference of Society of Operations Management, SOM Nashik
E-Banking and E-Marketing.
Mobile Commerce.