Prospects for the euro: a role for china and india
Probability of bank crises in the emerging markets of asia and south america - an exploratory and empirical study of determinants
Pricing for Online-Retailing:Exploring the influence of Price Dispersion and Price Distribution on Internal Reference Price (IRP) and Price-Attractiveness
Predicting the probability of default Using asset correlation of a loan portfolio
Power Structure & Channel Efficiency in the Supply Chain
Portfolio choice decision making with NBP-effSAMWMIX: A Stochastic Multi-Armed Bandit Algorithm using Na?Ÿ??ve Bandit Portfolio Approach
Political Economy and the Media - Marxist approach to the nature and effects of media
Performance analysis of self-adaptive evolutionary computation methods
Perfection of the Jury Rule by Rule-Reforming Voters
Patterns of PED[1] Test Sanctions in Professional Sports - Baseline and Implications for Research