Students Achievements


  • Research proposal submitted by Mr. Krishnan Jeesha, an eighth batch FPM student, has been awarded one of the top three proposals at the Sethuraman- NASMEI Award for doctoral students. The award includes funding of Rs. 75,000/-.

  • Remya T. J, a tenth batch FPM student, whose research paper entitled "Is Rural Household Debt Sustainable in a Financially Included State? Evidence from Three Districts of Kerala" (co-authored with Gopakumaran Nair and Rudra Sensarma) has been chosen for the second prize in the best paper awards in Sustainability Conference (SUSCON VII) held at IIM Shillong from 29th November to 1st December, 2018.

  • Abhishek Srivastava, a tenth batch FPM student, whose research paper entitled “Impact of Gray Market on Supply Chain Coordination” has been chosen for Second Prize in the Emerald Best Research Paper Award at the Doctoral Colloquium of XXII Annual International Conference of Society of Operations Management held at Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, December 20-22, 2018.

  • Abhishek Srivastava, a tenth batch FPM student, won the Emerging Economies Doctoral Student Award 2019 by POMS which is a competition among doctoral students of three regions: Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America & Caribbean. He will receive an award plaque and will be presented at the Awards Luncheon of the 30th Annual POMS Conference in Washington, DC, USA. He will also receive a maximum of $2,000 to cover travel, hotel, and other expenses. Registration for the conference will be complimentary.

  • Priyesh V P, an eighth batch FPM student whose research paper entitled Founder ownership and earnings management: Evidence from Indian IPOs. has been chosen as the Best Doctoral Paper award in the 6th Pan IIM Conference held at IIM Bangalore in December 2018.


  • Jeesha, K., & Purani K. (2018). “Webcare and Brand Evaluations: Optimizing Webcare Strategies for Service Brands in 2018 AMA Summer Academic Conference proceedings (Vol. 29, pp. 175-176). Chicago: American Marketing Association held at Boston ,USA, August 8 – 12,2018
  • Ansari M G., & Sensarma R. (2018) "US Monetary Policy, Oil and Gold Prices: Which has a greater impact on BRICS Stock Markets?, 12th Joint International Conference and Call for Papers Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, Bali, Indonesia, August 30-31, 2018.
  • Chaurasia, S., Pati, R. K., Padhi, S. S., "Nutraceutical Industry: A New Path to attain Sustainable Development Goals of 2030,” 2nd EWG Conference on Sustainable Supply Chains: Sustainable Supply Chains and the Circular Economy, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 6-7, 2018.
  • Khan, A., & Krishnan, S. (2018) "Corruption in National Institutions and E-Government Maturity: Insights from Cross-Country Data," 22nd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) June, 2018, Yokohama, Japan.
  • Agrawal, Shambhavi, (2018) a ninth batch FPM student. “An institutional field perspective”, British Academy of Management conference, Bristol., United Kingdom, Sept 03 - 05, 2018.
  • Premkumar P & Ramkumar P N (2018)”. “Locomotive Assignment Problem: Integrating the Strategic, Tactical & Operational Level Aspects" presented at INFORMS 2018 Annual Meeting, 4-7 November, Phoenix, Arizona.
  • Srivastava A. Mateen A. (2018) "Supplier Development and Learning Spillover in a Triadic Supply Chain under Competition" INFORMS Conference, November 4-7, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
  • Vijay Kumar. S., & Krishnan TN., (2018) “Don’t judge the unknown from unknown - (Mis) Understood allotropes of the mutated Millennial generation (ID 1017)”, British Academy of Management conference, Bristol., United Kingdom, September 04 - 06, 2018.
  • Vijay Kumar. S., & Krishnan TN., (2018) “Idiosyncratic Deals (I-Deals) A Literature Review (ID1083)”, British Academy of Management conference, Bristol., United Kingdom, September 04 - 06, 2018.
  • Vijay Kumar. S., & Krishnan TN., (2018) -Role of idiosyncratic deals and mindfulness in empowering learned helplessness individuals from a state of resistance to change- An exploratory study (1095)-, British Academy of Management conference, Bristol., United Kingdom, September 04 - 06, 2018.
  • Jacob R T, Sensarma R, Durai S R S (2018)-Can the default option maximise welfare in the context of mandatory CSR spending? A new frame work to wed social entrepreneurship to CSR spending in India, IIBG 2018 Annual Academia-Industry Exchange, Conference on Ethics, Responsible Business and Sustainable Development: Challenges and Opportunities for Transformation and Growth, organized by Institute of International Business and Governance (IIBG), The Open University of Hong Kong, December 7- 8, 2018.
  • V P Priyesh and P J Jijo Lukose (2019) "Founder ownership and earnings management: Evidence from Indian IPOs”, 4th International Conference on Opportunities and Challenges in Management, Economics and Accounting, Rome, Italy, February 15-17, 2019.


  • Priyesh, V P., Lukose J.,”International Acquisition and Earnings Quality of Emerging Market Acquirers: Evidence from India”, NSE-IGIDR Conference on Corporate Governance , Mumbai., India, June 21-22, 2018.
  • Bhattacharyya, J. and Dash, M.K (2018). “An investigation of customer Insights and intelligence from social media: A Telecom Churn Analysis based on Netnographic technique”. In: 18th Consortium of Students in Management Research (COSMAR’18). Bangalore: Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. ISBN:9789388237253
  • Bhattacharyya, J. and Krishna M.U, B. (2018). “A Perspective: The evolution of social media and marketing, the need to readdress traditional concepts. In: 1st PAN IIT International Management Conference 2018”. Roorkee: Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, ISBN: 978-93-5311-935-5.
  • Jacob R T, Nair G, Sensarma R. "Is Rural Household Debt Sustainable in a Financially Included State? Evidence from Three Districts of Kerala", 7th Annual International Sustainability Conference (SUSCON VII): Community, Conservation and Cooperation, Shillong, Meghalaya, November 29 - December 1, 2018.
  • James, Liji. & Rajeev, P.N. (2018, November). “Positive Affect, Creativity and Integrative Negotiation”. COSMAR 2018, Bangalore. November 29-30.
  • Jayaprakash Parvathi, Pillai R R. (2018, November).”Exploring ICT and Culture congruence in Sustainable Development: A Cross-Country Analysis, Consortium of Students in Management Research 2018”, Bangalore, November 29-30.
  • Jayaprakash Parvathi, Pillai R R. (2018, November).”Exploring the Role of ICT for Sustainable Development across South Asia, Workshop on Information Systems Research in the Digital Era”, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, November 30.
  • Jithesh A, Krishnan S. (2018, November). “E-government pay-offs: Review and agenda for future research, Workshop on Information Systems Research in the Digital Era”, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, November 30.
  • Johnson, B., Mathew, S., Kumar, P. and Anand, G. (2018).“Low-cost ICT implementation for operational efficiency in hospitals - A Case Study”. XXII Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management, IIM Kozhikode, India. Dec 20-22, 2018.
  • Gangopadhyay K, Reddy S S J and Jacob R T (2018) “How effective is Theory Based Learning of Ethics in India? International conference on Society and Management: Indian Culture vis-à -vis Western Culture, IIM Kozhikode, India. Dec 7–8, 2018.
  • Krishna M.U, B. and Bhattacharyya, J. (2018). “The philosophy behind the Quality of work life: History, Evolution, and implications in Organizational System Design”. In: 1st PAN IIT International Management Conference 2018. Roorkee: Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, ISBN: 978-93-5311-935-5.
  • Kumar, P. and Sebastian, M.P. (2018). “IoT to deliver operational efficiency in healthcare - A Literature Review”. XXII Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management, IIM Kozhikode, India. Dec 20-22, 2018.
  • Kumar, P. and Sebastian, M.P. (2018). “Adoption of Internet of Things for a Healthy Society”. National Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Society, XLRI Jamshedpur & St Anthony’s College Shillong, India. Dec 13-15, 2018.
  • Aravind Reghunathan and Joshy Joseph (2018), "Winning the Brand Loyalty Cup: The Psychological Play of Symbol-related Brand Elements of Football Clubs," Mathsport Asia International Conference, XLRI Jamshedpur, December 2018.
  • Aravind Reghunathan and Joshy Joseph (2019) "Going Against Conventions in the Times of Status-quo: The Case of Cross-gender Brand Extensions," MaxPlanck-TAPMI Winter School on Bounded Rationality, TAPMI Manipal, January 2019.
  • Jeesha K Purani K (2018) "Web care and brand evaluations: Optimizing web care strategies for services brands", paper presented at 12th Great Lakes NASMEI International Marketing Conference, Great Lakes, Chennai. December 20-21, 2018.
  • Mukherjee S & Dhayanithy D (2018) “Emergent Structures of Inter-Organizational Relations through Knowledge Resource Mobility”. Paper presented at SMS India Conference, December 2018, Indian School of Business, H(2018)yderabad, India.
  • Mukherjee S & Dhayanithy D (2018) “Performance Implications of Interfirm Knowledge Resource Mobility: Evidence from Professional Soccer Player Transfers”. Paper presented at SMS India Conference, December 2018, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, India.
  • Rahul R, Subin Sudhir & Anandakuttan B Unnithan (2018). “Exploring the relationship between emotionality and product star ratings in online reviews” presented at 2018 SOM 22nd Annual Conference, December 20-22, 2018. IIM Kozhikode.
  • Rahul R (2019) “Understanding the me in Facebook – Conspicuous Consumption in Social Media – A Literature Review” presented at Asia Pacific ACR 2019 conference, January10-12, 2019 IIM Ahmedabad.
  • Srivastava A and Mateen A (2018) “Sourcing from a Strategic Supplier under Competition”,"11th ISDSI International Conference” December 27-30,2018 SPJIMR Mumbai, India.
  • Srivastava A and Mateen A (2018) “Impact of Gray Market on Supply Chain Coordination”, presented in the doctoral colloquium of the XXII Annual International Conference of Society of Operations Management held at Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, December 20-22, 2018.
  • Srivastava A and Mateen A (2018) “Sourcing from a Strategic Supplier under Competition”,"11th ISDSI International Conference” December 27-30, 2018 SPJIMR Mumbai, India.
  • Sai Shiva Jayanth, Reddy (2019). “Model Contract Farming and Services Act 2018: Does it address the problems of Contract Farming practice in India?, International Conference on Emerging Scenarios in Agribusiness Management 2019, Bengaluru, March 21-22, 2019. Bengaluru: Indian Institute of Plantation Management.


  • Baag P, Ansari M G, (2018, Oct 19) Recapitalization of Banks with Reforms: A Journey in the Right Direction, BW Business World. Retrieved from
  • Chakrabarty, J. B., Chowdhury, S., & Roy, S. (2019 Accepted). Optimum life test plan for Type-I hybrid censored Weibull distributed products sold under general rebate warranty. International Journal of Production Research.
  • Jayanth, R. S. S., & Gangopadhyay, K. (2018). Temptation in Purchasing Decision: A Quasi Experiment to Validate the Set Betweenness Axiom. Theoretical Economics Letters, 8(10), 1709.
  • Khan, A., and Krishnan, S. (2019). Conceptualizing the impact of corruption in national institutions and national stakeholder service systems on e-government maturity. International Journal of Information Management, vol. 46, pp. 23-36.
  • Kumar S, V., & Mukherjee, S. (2018). Holacracy–the future of organizing? The case of Zappos. Human Resource Management International Digest, 26(7), 12-15.
  • Mukherjee, S., & Dhayanithy, D. (2018 Accepted). Interorganizational network on top management team–entry mode choice relationship: Study based on board interlocks of Indian firms. Journal of Indian Business Research.
  • Premkumar, P. & Ram Kumar, P. N. (2019). Literature Review of Locomotive Assignment Problem from Service Operations perspective - A case of Indian Railways. IIM Kozhikode Society and Management Review.
  • Reghunathan, A., & Joseph, J. (2017). Men Will Be Men, Women Will Be Women: The Case of Cross-Gender Brand Extensions. Advances in Consumer Research, 45, 465-468.
  • Reghunathan, A. (2018). Book Review: Branded Male, Mark Tungate. IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, 7(2), 1-2.
  • Reghunathan, A.(2018). Quiz Kerala Spreading Knowledge through Entertainment, Case Centre UK.


  • Srivastava, A., Narayanamurthy, G., Reddy, S., Rajagopal,R., Krishnan R. (2018) “DATRI: Solving Donor’s Dilemma for Saving Lives”. Accepted for Ivey Publishing.

Admission 2019

  • The applications are invited for the following areas of specialization: Economics Finance Accounting & Control Information Technology & Systems Marketing Management Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources Quantitative Methods & Operations Management Strategic Management
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Programme Structure

  • The FPM of IIMK will be offered through the following Areas of Specializations : Economics Finance, Accounting and Control Information Technology & Systems Marketing Management Organizational Behaviour & Human Resources Quantitative Methods & Operations Management Strategic Management.
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  • IIM Kozhikode sees the Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) as a crucial source of management researchers and faculty resources of top quality for academic institutions, industry, business, government and society. The majority of our Fellows go for a job in academics.
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