- PG Diploma in Philosophy
- PG Diploma in Theology
- PG Diploma in Counselling Psychology
- PG Diploma in Biblical Studies
- PG Diploma in Canon Law
- PG Diploma in Formative Spirituality
- PG Diploma in Spiritual Theology
Choice of disciplines:
- Philosophy
- Theology
- Biblical Studies
- Formative Spirituality
- Counsellling Psychology
- Canon Law
- Spiritual Theology
Target Groups:
Open to all especially professionals, employers, preachers, catechismteachers, priests, religious, youth, lay ministries, etc.
Structure of the Programme
- Each diploma programme consists of 37 credits and a research paper.
- Each year a set of subjects for 37 credits will be chosen from the various subjects prescribed for each PG Diploma Programme.
- 20 study hours constitute a credit of 20 marks.
- Upon registration, the student will be provided with course materials for the first part and after the successful completion of the assignments of this part, the course materials for the rest will be given.
- Apart from the assignments, at the completion of courses the student will submit a research paper on a relevant theme, approved by the coordinator of the concerned course.
- The theme of the Research Paper is to be selected during the Contact Class. The length of the research paper shall be between 10,000 and 15,000 words.
- Every year, the Contact Classes are held for ten days in the second half of Month of May.
- Instruction for the methodology of research writing will be given at the time of contact classes.
- The Research Paper should be in a bound book format, typed neatly according to proper methodological style.